You can download a pdf copy of our Environmental Policy here Environmental Policy, 2015
We strongly advocate products for sustainable living and are committed to minimising the impact of our activities on the environment as befitting the ethos of everything we do. We will continue to comply with, and where possible exceed, all relevant Environmental Legislation and Regulations. We have identified our key environmental impacts related to our operations and have set ourselves a framework of objectives to work within to improve our environmental performance.
Our priority areas are:
- Minimising the damage of our consumed materials- we reuse as much packaging as possible and hope that our customers will too. Anything we can't directly reuse we repurpose or recycle;
- Buying- Source and purchase the most sustainable and least hazardous materials on the market and we grow many of our own fruits, vegetables and herbs;
- Resource Use- Actively reuse and recycle materials when possible;
- Packaging- Encourage our suppliers to be as green as possible with the packing of their goods. When packing ourselves we reuse boxes and other materials in our innovative packaging methods to ensure our, and by extension your, environmental impact is minimised;
- The Office- We aim to run a paperless office. Incoming paperwork is reused as scrap paper or shredded for packaging. We use the greenest computer methods available to us and Spara is installed on every applicable computer;
- Deliveries- We will select the most sustainable delivery option and we are constantly reviewing our delivery methods to find those with the minimum impact;
- Energy Consumption- We switch off anything that’s not in use and incorporate low energy, sustainable solutions throughout our property. These include but are not limited to: LEDs, Solar PV, Solar Hot Water, wood burning stove, water filters, insulation, solar film, rainwater harvesting, under floor heating, etc;
- Transport- We encourage cycling whenever possible and have our own private and secure bicycle parking. We are conveniently placed for public transport and use it for longer journeys;
- Promoting our beliefs- Educating and encouraging staff and other work colleagues to live, work and travel sustainably and increasing environmental awareness to our customers and in the local area;
- Continual Improvement- Regular reviews of this policy and our objectives and actions will be undertaken to ensure that the environmental policy remains effective and that we continue to improve. All staff will be committed to working as sustainably as possible.
Signed: Dee Wood, Director (12/01/15)